전북 부안~줄포 방향 국도 23호선 상서면 회시마을 인근 배수로 공사를 위해 설치한 우회도로 일부가 장맛비로 유실돼 양방향 교통이 전면 통제되고 있다. / 사진제공 = 부안군의회 박태수 의원
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【Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.
Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.】
Jeonbuk… Route 23 bypass road 'lost'
Traffic control in both directions between Buan and Julpo
Reporter Lee Han-shin
Part of the bypass road installed for drainage construction near Hoesi Village in Sangseo-myeon on National Road No. 23 from Buan to Julpo in Jeollabuk-do was lost due to monsoon rains, and traffic in both directions is completely restricted. / Photo courtesy = Rep. Park Tae-soo of the Buan County Council